Drewexim pellets quality test results

We are proud to inform about the recent quality test results of our pellets. The results show that Drewexim pellets meets the criteria of A1 class - the highest quality class for pellets. The tests have been performed by the Instytut Technologii Drewna in Poland according to the PN-EN ISO 17225-2:2014-07 requirements.

ParameterResults for Drewexim pelletsRequirements of A1 class
diameter6 mm6 +/-1 mm
length18,7 mm3,15 - 40 mm
calorific value18,44 MJ/kg> 16,5 MJ/kg
calorific value5,12 kWh/kg> 4,6 kWh/kg
ash0,35 %< 0,7 %
bulk density698 kg/m3> 600
moisture4,81 %< 10 %